Smart Locks vs. Traditional Locks

Locks have been a necessity for homes, and the first option of home security for centuries. As we know, technology has positively impacted the world. It’s the same driving force that birthed a generation of smart locks that many homeowners have fallen in love with. However, even though there are so many homeowners that are captivated with these smart locks, there are those who believe that smart locks are not secure enough to protect their homes. So what exactly is different between the two kinds of locks?

Traditional Locks

Some examples of traditional locks are pin tumbler locks, rim locks, and mortise locks. The most common locks used within residential properties are pin-tumbler locks. Having been tried and tested over the years, traditional locks have become much easier to use. As such, many homeowners gravitate towards the lock brands they trust. And if they are used in the right way, traditional locks are very secure.

Smart Locks

The alternative is a smart lock. This type of lock uses the traditional lock mechanism, but it is engaged electronically or remotely. Smart locks allow homeowners to control and monitor their locks in a way that traditional locks do not. When smart locks are working the way they are intended to, they provide unparalleled ease of access and comfort. In addition to this, smart locks are also able to monitor the status of the lock and send alerts to the homeowner’s smartphone.

If you are still deciding which lock will work for you, we can help. By consulting with a professional locksmith at 24/7 SuperTech Locksmith, you will receive solid advice about the type of lock that best suits your needs. We will help you balance functionality with cost to find the perfect lock for your home. We are available anytime, day and night so contact us for more information.

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