About Key Fobs

A fob or keyless remote control is being used by businesses in various industries. It is simply a portable device that is small enough to fit in a pocket or attached to a keychain. It is programmed for you to gain access to various locations.

A fob allows you to access locked doors to enter buildings and your vehicle. In addition, it is also used to control electronic gates, storage areas, vending machines for cigarettes, snacks, sodas, and other food items. Homeowners have been using keyless entry systems and sometimes link it to their CCTV system. They want to be able to see who is entering their home. It also helps you to keep records of the ins and outs of service providers like painters, gardeners, and technicians.

Fobs can be customized for your specific purpose. You just need to identify the type of business you run and the specific areas you will want to use a key fob. At 24/7 SuperTech, we can provide you with the necessary advice and explain how a fob can work for you.

Popular key fobs for vehicles allow you to start the engine from a certain distance. They can open your trunk and lock and unlock doors. Imagine doing all this without having to insert a key! Just ensure the fob is in close proximity to access the device reader and it does the job for you.

You can even program the fob yourself. This information is provided and explained in detail when upon purchase. Other fobs must be programmed by a locksmith using a computer software program. With a personal identification number, your fob will give you the peace of mind you deserve.

When you’re ready to switch to a keyless system, give us a call. We are ready to assist you, contact us now.

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